10-point Checklist to Know How Perfectly Your Website is Optimized

10 points checklists to know how perfectly your website is optimized 1

Although there are multiple factors in SEO that need to be applied to your site to put it at the top of the search engine results page, some of these factors are important, while some are only suitable for the optimization option.

When you do the SEO of your website, you may need to consider some of the important facts for perfect optimization.

In this article, we will discuss the checklist to see how perfectly your site is optimized for the search engine. Of course, these points will grow your site and increase your traffic and leads.

10-point checklist to know how perfectly your website is optimized -magnifying glass

Here is the checklist:

1. Technical SEO

This is the first step for verifying the perfection in your writing. The main reason why this verification is to perform is to know if your site has the ability to rank and index in the search engine. The technical SEO includes various other factors including the sitemap, robot. txt file and speed optimization.

All this is important to make your site compatible with the search engine. For example, the sitemap would help Google crawler understand how to navigate within your site.

Speed optimization is another SEO factor for the ranking that must be considered important. If the speed is not optimized, the user would come back to your site and the search engine would not rate your site.

2. Layout of the website

The layout or structure of the site is also important because people always like to visit the site, which is friendly and with a simple layout. The search engine loves the site, which is complete in content with easy navigation.

This is because the search engine wants the user to surf all their required searches on a single website, rather than browsing another website. You should have a simple layout with a pleasing interface and set the navigation options.

The reason why search engine internal links send the customer to another page or article to find more information through relevant articles.

3. Mobile-friendly

SEO involves the mobile-friendliness of the site, as the responsiveness of the site is very important. Since we know that most customers use their mobile phones to shop online or read the blog, mobile-friendliness will help your site rank.

Google has a tool to test mobile-friendliness in terms of speed and response. You should use this tool to pass the test and validate your SEO.

4. 404 pages

A custom 404 page is also critical to the user experience and SEO of your site. The custom page is created to provide the custom information about the help a user may be looking for.

A 404 page occurs when a user finds a particular page on your site but does not have it or has it removed. You should place some navigation links and helpful content on that error page so that you do not lose users.

When a user searches for the page, the page would help them move to the right page.

5. SSL

The SSL certificate is essential for security purposes as Google recommends that users enter their details on the website where the SSL is installed. SSL is usually available free of charge, with hosting depending on the hosting service provider.

Now, Chrome and some other browsers also prompt the user when opening your site that it is not safe to use. This way, many customers get a negative impression of your site.

10-point checklist to know how perfectly your website is optimized-checklist

6. Keywords

Keywords are the words that your website ranks when a user enters this keyword. Keywords can be natural or be specified by you. If you want to rank by the specific keywords, you should use the relevant keywords in your website and content. Organic keywords are those that are automatically generated by seeing and analyzing your content and words in them.

The keywords are important because the more keywords you have used, the greater the chance of ranking on the search engine results page. The keyword should be added to your title, meta description, and content according to the SEO.

7. Unique content

The content on your site should be unique because it is the priority of the search engine to provide unique content. If your content is not unique, you could get a penalty from the search engine. Content must be engaging, compelling, and inviting, but originality is a must for your site to rank higher in the search engine.

Most bloggers and webmasters use the plagiarism scanner to verify the uniqueness of the content. This is available online for free that allows you to check the entire Internet to compare your content with.

8. Title

The title is the statement that convinces the user to read or skip the article. If the title of the article is not impressive and attractive, then it would not create an effect on the reader to read the article. Also, the title must be optimized according to search engine guidelines.

The SEO factors for the title include keyword placement within the title, the use of the long tail title, and the relevant title. Remember that the search engine loves the title that has a list number or an informative number. For example, bloggers usually select the title that starts with the number and then gets detailed.

You can use online tools such as HubSpot Title Generator to generate the high quality and impressive titles.

9. Image Alt Text

Image Alt Text is considered important because it informs Google about the description and what the image is all about. Image Alt Text is an SEO factor and it can help you get a ranking, especially through the image area of the search engine.

10. Links

Links are one of the most important things in SEO because the search engine loves to have some references for your site. Links include the following: