Twitter Spaces

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All iOS, Android, and Web Users Can Now Listen to Previously Recorded Spaces on Twitter

On iOS, Android, and the web, all Twitter users now have the option to listen to a Space recording. In addition, users can now listen to a talk after the live stream has ended, bringing Facebook’s Spaces offering closer to traditional podcasts.

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You Can Now Listen to Spaces without Having to Create a Twitter Account

Users will soon be able to publish direct links to their Spaces on Twitter. This would allow others to listen in on a live audio session without being logged in. According to the social media giant, the new feature is intended for Spaces users who have pals who aren’t on Twitter but still want to listen in on a Space.

Twitter Spaces will now be available to even more people, giving the social media giant a greater opportunity of reaching new users outside of its platform. In addition, Twitter Spaces now has an advantage over competitors like Clubhouse and Facebook’s Live Audio Rooms, thanks to the new feature.

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Twitter Launches Paid Ticketed Spaces on iOS

Some hosts on Twitter’s live audio function, Spaces, will now sell access to Ticketed Spaces. Users above 18 who have hosted three Spaces in the last 30 days and have at least 1,000 followers can apply for Ticketed Spaces.

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