ActiveCampaign Vs. Infusionsoft/Keap

email marketing laptop

ActiveCampaign and Infusionsoft are two of the most popular robust email marketing platforms.

I have been using both email marketing platforms either on my own websites or my clients’ sites.

Why I choose ActiveCampaign over Infusionsoft/Keap

My intention in this post is not to give you a detailed review, but to give you the reason why I personally choose ActiveCampaign over Infusionsoft/Keap, that is if I really have to choose one over the other.

ActiveCampaign has better open rates and click-through rates for the very reason that ActiveCampaign has very minimal spam submissions or no spam at all.

The less spam submission, the better the open rate and the click-through rate.

Spam submissions are a problem we’ve been trying to tackle on Infusionsoft/Keap despite following all of their suggestions on how to deter spam. We’ve spent hours just following those suggestions and we were still getting spam.

Look, ActiveCampaign has its limitations and Infusionsoft/Keap has its strong points, especially the Campaign Builder.

But at the end of the day, I prefer to use an email marketing platform that can drive more open rates and click-through rates.

If you want a detailed comparison of the 2 email marketing platforms, you can find it here: