Apple: Guide, Tips, and Trends

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Apple Business Essentials

Apple Has Released a Device Management Solution for Small Businesses

Maintaining and keeping their employees’ Apple devices up to date is a significant burden for many small firms. Because they typically lack skilled IT staff, customers are frequently forced to work things out independently. Utilizing Apple’s consumer support facilities when devices break down or users have issues.

Recognizing this problem, Apple purchased Fleetsmith last year. As a result, the beta of Apple Business Essentials has been revealed. A device management solution aimed directly at organizations with fewer than 500 employees.

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Apple Now Allows App Developers to Contact Customers about Other Payment Methods

by Josh

Last Updated on November 3, 2021, by Josh

Apple released a new set of App Store Guidelines, with three significant revisions. One of the adjustments is the outcome of a previously disclosed settlement deal with a group of app developers from the United States.

Apple first said in August that it had struck a provisional deal with a group of American software developers in a class-action lawsuit filed against it in 2019. The agreement included several conditions, the most important of which allowed developers to advise their customers about paying for transactions made outside of their iOS app and the App Store. 

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Apple iOS

by Josh

Apple’s Most Recent iPhone Update, Allows You to Copy and Paste Text from Photographs

iOS 15, the most recent version of the iPhone operating system, has numerous new tools that use artificial intelligence to analyze photo content.

Although object recognition has been available for a while, Apple claims its implementation is unique. It takes place on the device rather than on a cloud server. It’s also part of the operating system.

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Users Can Create Burner Email Addresses Using Apple’s iOS 15 Software Update

For users who pay for iCloud storage, the latest version of the iPhone operating system, iOS 15, has new privacy measures.

One of the most useful new features is the ability to create a temporary email account, which is separate from your identity but still sends messages to your inbox. “Hide My Mail” is the name of the game.

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