Keyword research is one of the most important and basic things for a successful SEO campaign, no matter what you’re trying to accomplish. This is because it helps you understand what people are searching for and why they want to find it. However, there are different research strategies you can use, some of which are more uncommon than others. Here are four less-used tactics that you can use in your keyword research strategies to get better traffic.
Key Takeaways:
Reviews should be monitored for the valuable feedback and data that they provide.
Google’s autocomplete search suggester is a fantastic way to find keywords and potential opportunities.
A website called TagCrowd can be used to view what keywords other websites use, through an easy-to-use visual.
“Understanding how people search – and why – is essential to targeting the right audience with the most relevant and attention-grabbing content.”
While companies are operating at reduced capacity right now due to the coronavirus, some are investing more into SEO strategies that will hopefully pay off in the future when the market is open again. Here are some things that you can implement right now to get future benefits. To get results the fastest, you should focus on taking your existing content and improving it. Read on for how to improve your current content to take advantage of the times.
Key Takeaways:
Companies have begun focusing on SEO strategies to help them in the months following the coronavirus.
Here are some tactics you can use in your SEO and marketing right now during the coronavirus.
If you want fast results, you should improve your current marketing strategies using these tips.
“Companies understand it can take months to reap the rewards of investments into SEO and content marketing.”
There are 2 reasons why we would like to invite the people who have engaged in our FB page:
Target on fans. The people who did a Like on your FB page are added to your fan base of People Who Like This Page. Then you can run a campaign specifically for your fans. You can also target them based on demographics, such as age, gender, and location. Just don’t overuse this feature.
Whenever we post content to our Facebook Page, it has the potential of appearing in our Fans’ news feed. This is not 100% guaranteed, yet they do show up.
Empathy is the process of making a connection with someone on an emotional level, such as celebrating with a friend when they receive good news. These connections are also good for marketing, because with empathetic marketing you can put content out there that your target audience can really connect with. There are five key elements of empathy that you can leverage in your marketing to get good results. Read on for more information and some examples of emotional marketing from other brands.
Key Takeaways:
Empathy is the process of connecting with someone on an emotional level.
Empathetic marketing uses empathy to create engaging content that can really connect with users.
Here are some examples of how brands are using empathetic content in their marketing.
“Empathetic marketing understands the needs, frustrations, and motivations of its target audience.”
There are few worse feelings than spending a long time making new content and seeing that nobody is interacting with it when it’s released. When that happens, you want to increase your traffic so more people see your content. Content amplification is one thing you can use to bring more traffic to your content. Read on for a better definition of content marketing and to learn how you can fit it into your own content marketing strategies.
Key Takeaways:
It can be frustrating to spend a lot of time generating content and not see it translate into traffic.
Content amplification is one strategy to increase the traffic that sees your new content.
Here is what content amplification means, and how you can use it.
“There are so many different paid ad opportunities, but let’s talk about three that are wonderful for content exposure.”
There are the most important calculations for your metrics (KPIs).
Metrics vs. KPIs
Metrics and KPIs are like squares and rectangles: All squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares. Similarly, all KPIs are metrics, but not all metrics are KPIs. Source:
Did you know that only 22% of bloggers claim that they utilize formal editors before their content is published? This is quite shocking, since the touch of a formal editor ends up boosting marketing stats by up to 38%. Hiring a formal editor is much different than simply showing off your blog posts to one or two people to preview. These editors have the expertise to touch up each post so that the tone, style, and deliverance are all up to par.
Key Takeaways:
Most bloggers spend approximately three hours and fifty-seven minutes on each post, but this isn’t nearly enough to produce highly engaging content.
When it comes to backlinking, original research proves to be the most successful modern method. Infographics lost their popularity around 2015.
It is tempting to write a large amount of content that is of lesser quality just to feel relevant within your industry, but this relevancy would be much more present with unique content.
“It’s nearly impossible to conduct impactful (deep) research, synthesize the information, and condense the key takeaways into 2,000 words in four hours or less.”
The novel coronavirus pandemic has brought businesses on uncharted territories. One way they keep their core operations functioning is by allowing their employees to work from home.
Working from home has its perks. For example, employees no longer need to suffer from a grueling commute, they cut costs on food and transportation expenses, and get to spend more time with their families. However, one downside is that work can be troublesome if you don’t have a stable and reliable internet connection.
Fortunately, Globe offers high-speed internet plans that can help you work from home conveniently and smoothly.
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With Globe’s Unlimited Broadband Plans, users can get fast and quality internet—the perfect choice for a work from home setup since you don’t have to worry about running out of data. Stay connected and make working from home convenient by availing a Globe broadband plan like the ones below.
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Globe’s Go Big plans come with Fiber connection and big data allowances, a perfect choice if you’re looking for a reliable plan that can meet the internet consumption of your family or small business. This is ideal if you have two or more people working from home in your house.
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On the other hand, if your work demands a lot of calling and contacting people through mobile and minimal deskwork, you can opt for a Globe postpaid plan and use the hotspot feature instead when you need to.
Working remotely has a lot of perks, but there are downsides to it, as well. You need discipline and smart strategies for this flexible approach to work for you. Here are some handy guides to help you work from home during COVID-19 more effectively.
Set a schedule – Stick to your company’s directed regular hours or the best working hours for you to help you maintain a work-life balance when working from home. Working on different schedules (if your company allows flexible hours) can disrupt your daily routine.
Maintain rules at home – Remote working allows you to spend more time with your loved ones. However, their presence may be distracting while you’re working. It’s essential to set some ground rules with the people around you so you can focus more on your job and that your productivity wouldn’t be affected.
Schedule breaks – Apart from your lunch break, step away from your computer screen and smartphone every now and then to reduce your mental fatigue, recharge your brain, and help you stay focused the moment you resume your task.
Establish your workspace – If you don’t have an office space at home, at least find a dedicated working space strictly for work time. This should help separate your personal space from your workspace, helping you focus better, as well as minimize distractions.
Make Working from Home Possible with Globe
Enjoy a wonderful internet experience with Globe’s broadband plans. Gone are the days when you’d suddenly get dropped from your video call meetings or experience lags while browsing with a stable internet connection. With the flexibility and variety of plans available, you can find the right one that can support your work and lifestyle needs.
In order to get a boost in your website traffic, it is important to stay on top of trends, and what people value, as well as what they find to be important. Some advertisements go viral while others fall off the face of the earth almost as quickly as they came to be. You will never fully understand it, but there is a psychology at work that presses people to purchase certain products. Make sure you offer something as a promotion to gain more attention and followers.
Key Takeaways:
A 20-minute SEO strategy session can help you optimize your website for search results.
Offering incentives – product giveaways, free consultations, free shipping, etc. – is a good way to drive traffic.
Budweiser’s “Wassup?” campaign is a famous example of an ad trigger that helps customers recall your brand.
“A whopping 94% of people look at the first few links on the first page results. Instead of clicking on the second page, many folks prefer to modify the keywords of whatever it is they’re searching for.”
Yesterday, we found a faster way to add a nofollow attribute to all external links for certain (specific) domains.
This is applicable for the following scenarios:
When you need to apply nofollow attribute to external links of specific domains or URLs because they are sponsored links.
When you need to apply nofollow attribute to external links of specific domains or URLs having a domain authority of maybe less than 10.
When you need to apply nofollow attribute to external links of specific domains or URLs because you need to file a manual penalty reconsideration request in Google.
There are still more scenarios where you need to apply a nofollow to specific URLs or domains.
How did we implement the nofollow on certain domains or URLs?
We started doing it manually; and realized it took us a bit of time.
2. Click WP External Links on the sidebar of the Dashboard.
2. Click Exceptions > Check All contents (the whole page).
3. Under Exclude external links by URL, type all the domains or specific URLs you want to apply the nofollow attribute to. One item per line or use comma per item. Select Own settings for excluded links, so you can set it on the next step on what to apply on the domains or URLs inside the exclude external links by URL box. We keep the skip settings below as they are.
4. Click Excluded Links and check the box for Settings for excluded links.
4. We opt to use a new tab or window to all the external links we added in the Excluded Links. We also opt to add the noopener and the noreferrer. The most important item is to choose nofollow under the Set follow or nofollow setting. All the rest, we leave them as they are. Then click the Save button.
That is all.
Check those specific domains or URLs if the nofollow attribute has been applied. Check also the other external links, not in the excluded links list, if indeed the nofollow attribute is not applied.
The difference between the generations that exist in today’s world, is that for some people, their every move wasn’t documented on social media, and for the younger generations, every thought, and silly thing they did, is still on record today, if it was posted on social media. Nobody understands the want and/or need to have content that automatically deletes after a twenty four hour period more than millenials. You have an audience that understands that sort of content and is most willing to view that type of content already.
Key Takeaways:
Instead of focusing on your product, focus on the people your content is aimed at and try to develop a friendly professional relationship with them.
You need to show your potential customers that you are passionate about your brand and convince them why your brands purpose is important.
Show your customers your personality by focusing on short term content that is creative and unique.
“There are robust tools for creating them built into the platforms that host them. And audiences expect a more informal, less-produced content experience.”
Key word content is something that is popular among content marketers in this day and age, and one thing that they all seem to understand is that key words, even the most popular key words tend to change frequently. You can research key words, keeping in mind that you will want to find something that isn’t the most frequently searched as a way to stand out, and you can’t forget that you need high quality content to keep your audience engaged.
Key Takeaways:
Create high quality content to keep people coming back to your brand. The more people visiting your site, the greater chance of lead generation.
Upgrade you content by making things like ebooks and also improving the overall speed and functionality of your site.
Create personalized content by using email marketing and email campaigns to help show potential customers your products before they buy.
“Keyword research will always be the core of a successful SEO strategy. Keyword strategies have changed considerably over the past few years. Search engines today are able to understand how keywords relate to each other. It’s possible to use one piece of content to target adjacent keyword terms.”
If you’ve been online a lot lately, you might have noticed a rise in video content marketing. Video content marketing is becoming a much more popular tool lately because it is so effective, so you should really start incorporating video content marketing into your digital strategy. Here are some reasons why video content marketing is such a powerful tool. It can give a competitive advantage to your business, help you have a more personal approach to your customers, and more.
Key Takeaways:
Live streams have provided social media marketers the ability to engage with their audience in a highly personable setting.
Videos are often a much better way to communicate informative messages since people are less apt to read extensive content presented through text.
Using time-sensitive ads can give consumers a first-hand view of why certain products will solve their problems in real-time.
“This form of marketing gives you a chance to compete fairly with tycoons in your industry and manage to bring many customers to your side.”
Late last week, we have updated our content marketing page. The update is yet ongoing as we still have a lot to show like metrics and results of our content marketing experiment.
Entrepreneurs all seem to share several personality traits that help to make them successful, they don’t always need to be agreeable and they also don’t all need to be extroverted, even though, it sometimes helps. A lot of business personalities are those with a lot of emotional stability, emotional stability helps you to roll with the punches, and somebody who can’t keep their emotions in check is going to have a much harder time dealing with the unexpected.
Key Takeaways:
Entrepreneurs are both born with traits it takes to succeed and work hard to achieve their dreams.
Personality traits that are key for entrepreneurs include the ability to have an open mind and emotional stability.
Learned skills good for entrepreneurs include risk-taking, the ability to sell, and more.
“Scientific studies have confirmed that genetics play a strong role in each individual’s Big Five personality traits – openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.”
There are a couple of major mistakes that people make with regards to SEO. The first one is that they don’t use quality links and instead will link their name or company to any site possible. To fix this, only link to sites that you know are accurate and trustworthy. Another big mistake is using the wrong keywords as this will prevent growth when it comes to search rankings. You need to implement the right keywords in order to boost your search rankings. Finally, if you are not looking at analytics, you are not looking to improve as their is a ton of great information that can benefit your business when you look at the numbers.
Key Takeaways:
Don’t link your name to a site that has no credibility and instead use trustworthy sources to link your information to.
Use analytics to figure out what keywords perform the best and which will help improve your search rankings.
Always research your analytics as it will give you information about your customer base and how effective specific pieces of content are.
“In order to stay on top of the SEO world, it’s important to know what you should be doing, and perhaps more importantly, what you shouldn’t be doing.”
There are many different reasons why a small business could use help from the right SEO agency. First, a SEO agency can help a small business increase their online presence whether it be via social media or networking. This obviously will get more eyes on their business. SEO agencies also understand how the SEO algorithms work and can tweak things in order to boost the business with regards to search rankings. Finally, an agency will know how to measure results and can really focus on things that are important and will improve your business’ standing.
Key Takeaways:
Professionals under search engines as well as algorithms and can give small businesses advice on how to improve their search rankings.
Professionals also understand how to enhance a business online whether it be via a social media presence or by networking.
If you hire the correct SEO agency you can see improved rankings, visibility and an easier time hitting your goals.
“With the aid of one of the best SEOs in 2020 in Toronto on your side, brand recognition and business volume stand a good chance of growing faster.”
While others sit back during this pandemic, start your content marketing. Marketers know that it takes time to turn a cold audience into a client or customer.
While others spend most of their time googling or socializing on Facebook, spend some time promoting your brand, product, or service.
As much as we want to help others by being part of some religious apostolate or civic work, we can for one start helping our workers, employees, or colleagues by making sure they have a work to go back to when this is all over.
As a marketer or business owner, let us not lose faith and try to keep our economy going.
The SEO consulting team at Moz has found a way for companies to deliver messages that directly illustrate their company’s value. This strategy is known as the SEO elevator pitch. An SEO elevator pitch is a speech that is persuasive and communicates what unique values your company delivers. To start the development process associated with creating an SEO elevator pitch, you need to find out the core values of your company, as well as the culture that surrounds it.
Key Takeaways:
For Whiteboard Friday, SEO Consulting is discussing an essential part of successful digital marketing: how to effectively show your value.
Knowing how to demonstrate your company’s industry value is especially important during the pandemic of COVID-19.
One way to illustrate how valuable your business is, you can create an SEO elevator pitch.
“Three, why this is hard is there’s been, obviously, a lot of changes all the time in the algorithm, and as it matures, it’s going to look like the SEO’s job is completely different than last year just because the algorithm keeps maturing and it looks like our jobs are changing all the time.”
During this time in quarantine, it is common to feel as though each second should be spent focused on completing necessary tasks. Experts are challenging this concept by drawing on how idle time often ends up being the most productive. The primary reason why downtime can result in heightened productivity, is because this is when we tend to be the most creative. This creativity is often the start of successful and profitable projects in the future.
Key Takeaways:
Many professionals are claiming that if you do not exit this quarantine with a new skill, hustle, or knowledge level, then a lack of discipline needs to be addressed.
Sometimes doing nothing can result in the highest level of productivity because these are the times where we are often most creative.
Although ad revenue with digital media has decreased by approximately 50%-70%, viewership has actually doubled.
“The crisis might be as small as missing a flight, forcing us to spend the day reconfiguring travel arrangements or as big as the global pandemic that’s forcing us to reconfigure our time to do, well, nothing. A crisis of nothing has wiped out our proverbial schedules.”
They serve as the foundation of your strategy and your guide all throughout the process. With clear goals, you will have a way to assess your content marketing process and your results.
Your goals must be clear, specific, and aligned with the main marketing goals of your company. To guide you, here are some examples of content marketing goals shared by Content Marketing:
Do you know your target audience? The target for your content should be the people who could potentially become your customers.
So who are they?
They are the ones who may be directly interested in your products or services or related to what you are offering. For example, if you are selling gardening tools, your target audience will not just include gardeners or landscapers, but also homeowners, plant lovers, green living advocates, and even environmentalists.
Once you have identified your target audience, you need to know their interests. Learning about their interests will help you develop the specific topics for content creation. It will also help you develop keywords you can use so that your content will show up in searches.
Audience Targeting through Content Marketing
Your customers are your lifeblood. How well you target and communicate with them can make or break your business. The right audience targeting solution will save you time and money while helping you find and keep the customers that are most likely to buy from you.
Audience targeting is an essential part of marketing. Understanding your target audience can create a marketing strategy that resonates with them and drives results. There are a number of factors to consider when targeting an audience, including demographics, psychographics, and behaviors.
Demographics include factors such as age, sex, income, and education level. Psychographics include things like interests, values, and lifestyle. Behaviors refer to how someone uses products or services. All of these factors can help you better understand your target audience and create messaging that speaks to them.
Once you understand your target audience better, you can begin to tailor your content and marketing efforts specifically for them. This will help you connect with your audience in a more meaningful way and boost conversions.
What is audience targeting?
Audience targeting is a marketing technique that allows businesses to target specific groups of consumers with their advertising and marketing efforts. By understanding the characteristics of each group, businesses can create ads and content that is most likely to appeal to them. This can be a valuable tool for targeting customers who are more likely to purchase a product or service, as well as creating more effective campaigns overall.
Types of Audience Targeting: Demographic, Geographic, Psychographic
Different businesses use different methods to target their audiences. The three most common types of audience targeting are demographic, geographic, and psychographic.
Demographic targeting involves using information about the age, gender, income, and education of the audience to identify who the ad is meant to reach. This type of targeting is often used by businesses that sell products or services to a specific group of people.
Geographic targeting involves using information about where the audience lives or where they are likely to travel. This type of targeting is often used by businesses that want to advertise their products or services in a specific area.
Psychographic targeting involves using information about the interests and attitudes of the audience. This type of targeting is often used by businesses that want to target people with specific lifestyles or values.
How to Choose the Right Type of Audience Targeting: Consider your business goals
When starting a business, it is important to consider your business goals and the target audience you want to reach. There are many different types of audience targeting, and the right one for your business will depend on your goals. Some common types of audience targeting include geographic targeting, demographic targeting, and behavioral targeting.
Geographic targeting involves focusing on a specific area or region. This can be done by choosing a certain country, state, or even city to target.
Demographic targeting focuses on characteristics such as age, gender, income level, or education level.
Behavioral targeting targets people based on their past behavior online. This can include things like what websites they have visited, what products they have looked at online, or what type of content they have shared on social media.
Implementing Audience Targeting: Online and Offline Strategies
Audience targeting is the process of understanding and predicting the behavior of a target audience in order to create a communication strategy that resonates with them. The goal of audience targeting is to identify the most relevant audience for a campaign and then deliver marketing messages that are most likely to persuade them to act. There are two main ways to target an audience: online and offline.
Online audience targeting involves using digital technologies to reach potential customers. This can be done by creating targeted ads on websites, social media platforms, or through email marketing. Digital technologies make it easy to track how people are interacting with your content, so you can make sure your messages are reaching the right people.
Offline audience targeting involves reaching potential customers through traditional methods such as TV, radio, or print advertising. It can also include personal interactions such as face-to-face meetings or telephone calls.
Why you need great content to attract and engage customers online
In an age where customers are increasingly disconnected from physical stores and shopping experiences, businesses must create compelling content to attract and engage customers online. Great content is not only informative and entertaining, but it also provides a sense of connection with the company or product. This is why great writing is so important in online marketing; by providing quality content, businesses can connect with their target audience and create loyal followers.
Plan how to make your content relevant and unique.
Since content creation is made for your target audience, you should aim to provide them with relevant content. Relevant content simply means the content they are interested in. It contains the information they need and want. Relevant content is something that your audience will really read about.
What if everyone else in your industry is doing the same? How do you make your content stand out?
Assuming you are going to make a really informative and relevant content that will be free from grammatical errors, your content may still get less attention if it is not unique enough. If you will provide the same great information as your competitors, your content can stand out with the following tips:
Create a relevant and striking headline. Make sure your headline is interesting and it reflects what the post is really all about.
Make use of original stories. No one wants to read content that one can find in other sources.
Use images, infographics, videos, and other visuals. These visuals will make it easier for your audience to understand the information you are communicating.
Utilize proper headings, subheadings, and lists. These will make your post easier to read and follow.
Get rid of long paragraphs. They are obviously boring to read.
Include overviews or key takeaways for longer posts. Some readers skim over the post to see if they will be getting the information they really need before reading the entire article, so make sure you make it easier for them to see what you have.
Create valuable and optimized content
This is now the step that you create content that is relevant, unique, and of excellent quality. Part of content creation is also making sure you have a Search Engine Optimized content. An optimized content is one that has the capacity to reach its target audience as widely as possible. You can optimize your content by using keywords, inserting relevant links, as well as adding tags and meta tags.
Promote content in different channels
Once you have already created and posted valuable and optimized content in your blog, you should now be ready to promote these content in different channels. These channels include the following:
Own blog or website (through feature posts or internal linking from a related blog post)
Other websites and blogs (through link outreach, guest blogging, etc.)
Generate and analyze reports
Promoting your content is not the end of your content marketing strategy. It is important to know how your content is performing against other content and other websites on the Internet.
Once you have generated and analyzed applicable reports, it’s time to go back to planning. In this stage you do not need to start from scratch or go back to square one. Here’s what you can do:
See what can be done to improve results (especially with content creation and promotion);
Identify contents that are generating the most responses or sales so they may be amplified; and
Incorporate new ideas.
The content marketing strategy is a cycle. It does not just follow a straight-line process, but a cycle that allows you to improve your tactics and become more effective over time.
When it comes to content marketing, you just don’t create any content and publish them when you have the time. We have to remember that content marketing involves “making and sharing relevant content consistently”.
“Relevant content” means posts that interest your target audience. These are valuable posts that are informative, that answers their questions, and that pays attention to the needs and wants of the target audience. Being able to provide relevant content will help you connect and build productive relationships with your audience by giving value to what they are reading and learning from you.
“Consistently making and sharing”means implementing a schedule for your posts. Part of your planning should include the following:
the number of deliverables or posts (pillar posts and blog posts) per month or per week
when to create these posts;
when to share the posts;
Where will they be shared (channels); and
who will be in charge.
All these have to be consistent in order to be effective.
When you are focusing on how to get attention to your site, you will want to remember to tag images that are relevant to that text. Not only will that make your content more view worthy, it will also paint a bigger picture of what you really have to offer. Finding the right images can be back breaking work, but in the long run it helps you work smarter instead of harder. The images aren’t going anywhere, a lot of people prefer to have an image to go with their search.
Key Takeaways:
Visual search starts with an image and uses a neural network to decipher the color, shape and size of the image.
Visual search will have a major impact on search engine optimization and will most likely change the Google algorithm
Visual search will allow for shoppable content to become more and more popular as it makes buying things online so much easier, especially by mobile.
“Visual search is an artificial intelligence technology that permits users to conduct an internet search using a picture, instead of keywords.”
There are going to be many B2B content marketing trends that we will see in the year 2020. First, we’re going to see a bigger focus on factual, informative content instead of promotional messaging. We also are going to see content building at a constant pace as it’s a great way for companies to help build their brand awareness. While LinkedIn is typically the most popular social media platform for B2B, Instagram is becoming very popular as well. Finally, marketers are going to continue to invest in solutions that give them statistics and analytics.
Key Takeaways:
Marketers are going to continue to focus on creating unique content to help build their brand and create more awareness.
Marketing is going to start pointing towards factual information much more than just promotional messages.
If marketers need to, they will outsource for content creation in order to prevent their internal team from focusing too much on content.
“Metrics platforms show whether or not content marketing for B2B brands has the desired outcome. When it doesn’t, that may tell marketers it’s time to tweak a campaign”
We will update our page on content marketing. This will include a section on how we do content marketing for our sites and our clients so you can at least see an overview. Hopefully, this will help you out if you are doing content marketing yourself.
We will also be posting case examples and results of the content marketing campaigns we ourselves are doing for our sites. (Note, however, that we won’t be showing anything from our client sites unless they prefer to do so.)
We surveyed a panel of experts about the current state of reputation management. Their consensus opinion was that Google My Business is the most important platform for local brick-and-mortar stores. Multiple experts pointed to fake reviews as a growing concern. Responding to negative reviews is considered a critical priority for businesses, although many don’t have the bandwidth to handle the task. There’s also a strong belief that customer reviews can serve to suggest needs for modifying operations. Last, the experts felt that the hospitality and restaurant industries have the most to gain by implementing a reputation management strategy.
Key Takeaways:
Experts consider Google My Business the most important source of local business reviews.
Multiple experts note the rise of fake reviews and customer concerns about them.
Responding to negative reviews is important, but many businesses don’t have the manpower for it.
“After all, if you’re a business in any way on the front lines of the fight against Covid-19 — healthcare providers, grocery stores, and others offering crucial services — it’s likely that even thinking about online reviews is a luxury for which you currently cannot spare the time.”
Content marketing is important to help meet your company’s ultimate goal – to earn more sales and generate revenue. When effectively implemented, content marketing gives you an opportunity to:
All these would increase website traffic that will favorably increase website conversions.
Content marketing involves consistently making and sharing relevant online content to attract your target audience, keep them engaged, and turn them into paying customers. These contents include blog posts, videos, images, podcasts, infographics, and social media posts. These contents may be shared in your blog, social media, and email.
So why is content marketing important?
Content marketing is undoubtedly one of the best online marketing strategies you can utilize in this time of digitization. It does not matter if your business is big or small. Here are the reasons why content marketing is important for the growth of your business:
Lead Generation
Sharing content online through blogs can help generate more leads for your business. It allows your target audience to learn more about your business. These leads can turn into prospects, and ultimately, customers.
Build Good Relations with Your Customers
If you find yourself irritated by ads and sales messages you are not interested in, then you will understand the importance of content marketing. Content marketing does not force uninterested people to read, share, or comment on your content. Your content is targeted to a specific audience interested in your share. Because of this, it would be easier for you to engage with your audience and build good relations with them – simply because they are interested.
The challenge in keeping good relations with them is to keep them interested. That is why you must consistently create and share relevant, interesting, and timely content with them.
Build Your Brand Identity
When you consistently provide useful content to your audience, there is a good chance that they will return to your website and maybe even subscribe to your blog, like your Facebook page, or follow you on Instagram or Twitter.
As you get them to visit any of your online channels frequently, you are gradually building your brand identity. They will remember your logo, your design, and even the color and the distinct style that you have, which distinguishes you from other brands.
The effect – whenever they need useful information or want to avail of something related to your product or service, your audience will most likely remember you.
Create Trust and a Positive Brand Image
Brand image is the perception customers have of your brand, including your products or services. This impression is formed over time through their experience and interactions with you. Content marketing can help you create trust and thus, a positive brand image.
Prospective and existing customers can have a wonderful experience with your website (and your brand) as you provide them with the timely and relevant information they need through the content you make. They may not necessarily be exactly about the product you sell or service you offer, but something very related.
If you sell gardening tools, for instance, you may want to share some indoor gardening tips, tools people use in different gardening activities, and gardening how-tos. The topics may be endless, but they must be relevant and useful for your audience. When your audience learns to trust you as their source of useful information, this creates a positive brand image. Your audience may show this trust by doing more than just visiting your website or liking your posts, but also by sharing them with their family and friends and ultimately availing products from you.
Gain Competitive Advantage
Content marketing gives you a clear advantage over your competitors who are not into content marketing. If you are running a small or medium local business, there may be a great chance that your competitors are not utilizing content marketing. If this is the case, then this is your chance to get some positive exposure and positive brand image through content marketing that your competitors cannot get.
Compared to other B2B companies who are not into content marketing, you have a competitive advantage of being discovered and preferred by prospective customers. This is because of your visibility as well as the quality content you consistently provide your audience.
Well, it may not be that simple. As long as you stick to the key elements of content marketing – consistently creating and sharing relevant, interesting, and timely content with your target audience – then you will be doing great.
The challenge is gaining a competitive advantage. To do this, you have to be unique. You have to go where others are not going. You have to innovate and find ways to help you reach more of your target audience and keep them engaged.
Promote Your Brand and Your Products with a Wide Reach
Besides sharing content that interests your audience, content marketing allows you to directly promote your products and services. Newsletters, for instance, allow you to share new product offerings, sales, promotions, company events, and more with your subscribers. A blog post can also be created for the same purpose and shared on different social media channels.
If content marketing is done correctly by creating relevant online content and consistently sharing it in the right channels, you will increase your website traffic and increase sales.
The key is to prioritize your target audience – that you make content for them, something of value to them. When they know they are valued, they learn to trust you. When they trust you, that is when revenue comes in.
Since you will be catering to businesses, expect a lot of inquiries and information-sharing about your product or service offering, your past and present customers, and more. With content marketing, you can prepare materials like infographics, product demos, white papers, webinars, and case studies that you can easily share with your prospective customers anytime. This will make your business operations a lot more efficient and time-saving.
Consistently creating reliable and up-to-date content makes your blog a place for your audience to find relevant information. Your social media channels will also have an audience when you have great content. With many followers, your channels can become hubs for target businesses in your industry to gather and interact, creating a community where they can learn and share.
You don’t necessarily need a long wordy document to get your point across, and you can actually include a lot of information in something that is much shorter. There are times though, that you will want something long, it will just depend on what your readers are looking for. There are a few ways you can determine what your readers are looking for and one of those ways is to do keyword research. The more keywords you have, the higher your page will ran, in Google.
Key Takeaways:
Not every topic or idea should be thousands of words. Making something thorough for thorough’s sake can make a piece feel fluffy.
The most important reason to create long-form content is to give readers something they’re looking for.
If a topic is complex, skirting over it might leave the reader feeling like you took the easy way out.
“Put yourself in the mind of the reader and figure out what they want to learn from reading your content.”