
  • Using Google AdSense to Complement Your AdWords Account – Inside AdWords

    Thanks a lot Google. This is a big help for business websites wanting extra-revenue aside from the usual business.

    As AdWords users, you know how effective AdWords can be in driving traffic to your website and how it can turn curious visitors into regular customers. But since not every visit leads to a sale, wouldn’t it be great to have other ways of making money from those visits?

    Google AdSense is a free program that helps you earn revenue by displaying relevant ads on your site. We give you a piece of code to put on your site, you choose where to place ads, and you earn revenue when visitors click on them. (To learn more about Google AdSense, watch this video.)

    via Using Google AdSense to Complement Your AdWords Account – Inside AdWords.

  • MyIPNeighbors Reverse IP Lookup (Free service)

    MyIPNeighbors Reverse IP Lookup (Free service).

    This is how you can look up reverse IP. It is a free service.

    What is reverse IP lookup?

    Reverse IP lookup is the process to check IP or a domain name and find out all the domains hosted at the same IP address on a web server.

    As you already know, IP lookup track down IP addresses and websites and provide you with useful geographical information of a particular IP address.

    Reverse IP lookup operates vice versa and gives you another kind of information, which is no less critical. Reverse IP lookup is good for those thinking of creating a website at a specific shared hosting. With this, it is possible to check which domains are located on a web server and whether this is a good idea to place a new site at the same hosting.

    Besides that, sharing one and the same IP address by several websites can lead to failures in the case of the so-called overclocking. For example, it comes up that some sites contain prohibited material and must be shut down. Once their IP is known and blocked, other prominent sites may share the same IP address, and they all get blocked together.

    The services provided can range from web, e-mail, and file sharing, … By submitting a query with the IP address or hostname of your website,

  • jQuery conflicts and WordPress Themes

    jQuery conflicts and WordPress Themes:

  • Press This « WordPress Codex

    Press This « WordPress Codex.

    The “Press This” function allows quick publishing with a special web browser bookmarklet. You can create a post by quoting some text, images, and videos on any web page.


    1. After installing the plugin, go to the Tools submenu. You can then drag the Press This bookmarklet to your browser toolbar or use the Open Press This direct link to add to a mobile device menu.
    2. While browsing, select some text (optional) and click the bookmarklet in your browser’s favorite (bookmark).
    3. Edit the content in the invoked pop-up window.
    4. Save, preview, or publish the post.

    Making the Press This work with NoScript and RequestPolicy

    WordPress 4.2 shipped with a new Press This bookmarklet. Unlike the previous bookmarklet, this new one will not play nicely with NoScript and RequestPolicy (which are security add-ons for Firefox and most modern browsers) out of the box. Here are the steps to get the bookmarklet working with one or both add-ons installed:

    1. Whitelist the domain of the WordPress site in NoScript if this hasn’t been done already (click on the S icon and choose Allow, where is your WordPress site’s domain).
    2. Open the NoScript preferences by clicking on the S icon again and choosing Options
    3. Click on the Advanced tab. A set of sub-tabs will appear. Click on XSS.
    4. In the box that says Anti-XSS Protection Exemptions, add the following (change to your domain):^\?|/\1\b)
    5. Note in the example above the HTTPS prefix is in use. You’ll want to change this to regular old HTTP (no s) if you don’t have secure hosting set up for your site.
    6. Click Okay to exit NoScript’s options.
    7. Now, if you have RequestPolicy, open its preferences by clicking on RP’s red/gray flag icon. Choose Preferences and click on the Whitelist tab.
    8. Under the Whitelist tab, click the Destinations sub-tab.
    9. In the whitebox at the bottom which contains the placeholder Destination, type in your site’s domain. Do not enter a prefix like http or https. It isn’t necessary to put “www.” in either. Click Allow. You should see your domain appear in the larger box above.
    10. Close RequestPolicy preferences. The new Press This bookmarklet should now function correctly, and you’ll be able to continue benefiting from the protections that NoScript and RequestPolicy offer.