Canonical Tags: Why You Need Them?

canonical for SEO

A canonical tag, also known as the rel canonical, tells search engines which version of a URL you want to appear in search results. This prevents problems caused by identical or duplicate content arising on multiple URLs.

Google uses canonical URLs in sitemaps

This article discusses how Google uses canonical URLs in sitemap files to determine which version of a webpage to crawl and index. The article explains that if a webpage has multiple URLs that lead to the same content, a canonical URL can be specified in the sitemap file to indicate which version of the page should be considered the original. The article notes that Google will still crawl and index all URLs, but the canonical URL will be used as the preferred version. The article also mentions that in some cases, Google may not use the canonical URL specified in the sitemap file but will follow the rel=”canonical” link element if it is present in the webpage’s HTML.


Everything you need to know about canonical tags

2022 December 2

You may have heard about canonical tags, but do you know what it really is and how it impacts SEO? Learn everything you need to know about canonical tags – from the definition, uses, impact on SEO, and more.  
