I personally love to speed up my site (that is to optimize the page speed or load time of my site). There are 2 reasons why I am a bit obsessed with it:
- It is because it is great for the users’ experience; and
- It is because it is a Google ranking factor.
Because of the 2nd reason, I am using Google PageSpeed Insights to have a perspective of how Google views my site’s page speed
Below are my results before I added Google Analytics on my site.
Mobile PageSpeed Insights Result

Desktop PageSpeed Insights Result

Below are my results after I added Google Analytics on my site.
Mobile PageSpeed Insights Result

Desktop PageSpeed Insights Result

The short answer is No, Google Analytics does not affect the Google’s PageSpeed Insights Score.
With the above results, there is hardly a difference in the PageSpeed Insights Score.
As you can see, the mobile score dropped after installing Google Analytics; while the desktop score rises.
I don’t want to make any conclusions here as long as I get a green result out of it (or a score of 90 and above).
If ever you did a test yourself and got a different outcome where in installing Google Analytics has slowed down your site or dropped your Google PageSpeed Insights score — kindly let me know.
By the way, remove the Google Adsense installation before doing the test. It actually drops by score significantly during my tests. Check it out here: Google Adsense Installation Slows Down My Site or Drops My Google PageSpeed Insights Score Significantly