Does Google Analytics Affect Your Site’s Google’s PageSpeed Insights Score?

PageSpeed Score

I personally love to speed up my site (that is to optimize the page speed or load time of my site). There are 2 reasons why I am a bit obsessed with it:

Because of the 2nd reason, I am using Google PageSpeed Insights to have a perspective of how Google views my site’s page speed

Below are my results before I added Google Analytics on my site.

Mobile PageSpeed Insights Result

image 1

Desktop PageSpeed Insights Result

image 1 2

Below are my results after I added Google Analytics on my site.

Mobile PageSpeed Insights Result

image 2 3

Desktop PageSpeed Insights Result

image 3 4

The short answer is No, Google Analytics does not affect the Google’s PageSpeed Insights Score.

With the above results, there is hardly a difference in the PageSpeed Insights Score.

As you can see, the mobile score dropped after installing Google Analytics; while the desktop score rises.

I don’t want to make any conclusions here as long as I get a green result out of it (or a score of 90 and above).

If ever you did a test yourself and got a different outcome where in installing Google Analytics has slowed down your site or dropped your Google PageSpeed Insights score — kindly let me know.

By the way, remove the Google Adsense installation before doing the test. It actually drops by score significantly during my tests. Check it out here: Google Adsense Installation Slows Down My Site or Drops My Google PageSpeed Insights Score Significantly