Last Updated: 7 months ago by BrodNeil
More and more people are working from home. (DuckDuckGo) blog has shared remote-working tips and the best software setup to protect your privacy while working remotely.
These are some of the items covered:
- Video Conferencing: FaceTime (free), Jami (free)
- Webcam Cover: Sticker (Free), Sliding Webcam Cover (Paid)
- Search Engine: DuckDuckGo Search (free)
- Browser: Safari (free, desktop), Firefox (free, desktop), Brave (free, desktop), Vivaldi (free, desktop), DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser (free, mobile)
- Virtual Private Network (VPN): TorGuard (paid)
- Email: Fastmail (paid), ProtonMail (free with paid options), Tutanota (free with paid options)
- Chat: Mattermost (paid), Signal (free)
- File Storage & Backup: Resilio Sync (free with paid options), Tresorit (paid)
- Tune Your Privacy Settings (free)
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