
Industries That Need Digital Marketing

Last Updated: 8 months ago by BrodNeil

Digital marketing is no longer optional for businesses – it’s a necessity. Regardless of what you sell or who your target audience is, every industry can benefit from the reach, targeting capabilities, and data-driven insights offered by digital marketing services like Websites That Sell. However, some industries are seeing an especially high demand for expanded digital marketing services in order to grow their customer base and remain competitive in an increasingly online world.

Which Industries Need Digital Marketing Services?

Ecommerce Businesses

Ecommerce businesses need digital marketing to drive targeted traffic to their site, convert visitors to customers, and continually remarket to them after the initial sale. For online stores, digital marketing spells the difference between success and failure.

Local Service Providers

Local service providers like small family-owned restaurants, dentists and hair salons need to prioritize online visibility to connect with nearby customers searching on Google and social media. Location-based digital marketing helps boost local name recognition and makes their services discoverable.

Healthcare Practices

In the competitive healthcare space, digital marketing gives every practice the ability to showcase services, highlight expertise, and attract patients by sharing helpful health information. SEO and PPC help them get found. Healthcare and medical are greatly benefited by the digital marketing campaigns, as they are able to make their brand presence to a wider audience. 

SaaS Companies & Tech Providers

Digital-forward tech companies require cutting-edge, highly targeted digital expertise to create awareness, generate leads, and explain the value of offerings to technologically savvy buyers online.

Nonprofits & Religious Organizations

Nonprofits and religious organizations need an inspiring and helpful online presence to connect with new donors and volunteers. Digital marketing, including social media and email, expands their community reach. Nonprofits and religious organisaton need more and more people to connect with them and identify with their cause and identity. Digital marketing gives them the option to capture niche audiences and cater to their needs.

Financial Services Providers

Financial services providers should use digital marketing to establish thought leadership, create helpful content explaining products and services, and nurture customer relationships over time through valuable online interactions.

Higher Education Institutions

Higher education institutions need to market degree programs, highlight faculty expertise, showcase campus culture, and court prospective students in a competitive landscape — digital marketing checks all these boxes in a strategic way.

Brick-and-Mortar Retail Stores

Even brick-and-mortar retail stores benefit from localized digital marketing to drive foot traffic by targeting nearby customers with promotions, sales events, new product arrivals, and more. Omnichannel digital strategies unite offline and online. These retail stores, as localised, need digital marketing to help their customer at a local level. Geo-specific digital marketing campaigns can help them capture customers who are in close proximity to their area. 

Industries That Need Digital Marketing


While these industries have an especially urgent need for digital marketing services, forward-thinking organizations across all industries should be investing in digital marketing. Taking advantage of digital channels offers unrivalled opportunities for understanding customers, targeting relevant messaging, generating leads, and driving growth. Partnering with digital marketing experts positions any organization for greater success.