Make Your Blog a Priority to Promote Your Business

If you are leaning toward digital marketing to promote your small business effectively, the link to this post might be best for you. There are 35 tips you can follow or implement (in

Of those tips, 1 tip struck me: making your blog a high priority.

Why does it strike me?

Though making a quality blog post may not be easy for some (or for most), the consistency of your publishing frequency might be another challenge to really consider (if you want your blog to deliver the results you expect).

This also makes me think of launching a blog for our soon-to-open bakery. (More on this soon.)

What is a blog?

A blog is a site  where an individual or group of users can record information regularly. There are many types of blogs. They can vary according to the type of content being recorded as well as to the type of platform the information is being stored/recorded.  Personally, I prefer to use WordPress for my blog.

How to blog?

There are many tips to blogging and I don’t pretend that I know them all. However – regardless of the type of platform, content, or purpose you have for your blog – there are 3 things I find as constant when working your blog to success:




This blog post might be too broad for many of you, but hopefully it can be an eye opener to those business owners who are just starting up with making a website or blog. I would like to introduce you to a site with informative resources for web beginners. Included are free in-depth guides, video tutorials and other helpful blogging tools to assist people who are ready to start an online presence on their own. You can see it here: