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Microsoft Launches Windows 365

Microsoft unveiled Windows 365, a new way for businesses to provide employees with virtual cloud-based PCs running the Windows operating system. Users can use this service to access a virtual PC with work apps from their home PC or a non-Windows device such as an Apple Mac, iPad, or Android tablet.

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Microsoft’s Office Apps for Chromebooks Are Being Discontinued

Microsoft has been offering its Office suite to Chromebook users via the Google Play store since 2017, but that will end in a few weeks. Microsoft will stop supporting Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and Outlook) on Chromebooks on September 18, 2021.

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Microsoft Updates Its Smart Pages Website Builder

Microsoft released Smart Pages, a free website builder service to assist small businesses that may not have previously had a website. During the epidemic, this was especially important because more businesses needed to be online. On the other hand, many small businesses lack the expertise or financial resources to commission a completely new website. Microsoft revealed additional features for the Smart Pages service, based on consumer input.

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Microsoft Has Purchased the Ipaas Platform, Which Interfaces with Oracle and Sap

Clear Software, an iPaaS and business process solutions provider, has been bought by Microsoft. As a result of the agreement, Microsoft customers who use the Microsoft Power Platform to build their business solutions should benefit from improved integration with external systems.

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Loop, a Microsoft Office Software That Helps Professionals Keep On Top of Projects

Microsoft said it would unveil Loop, a new Office program for project collaboration, at its online-only Ignite conference.

Word and Excel are already included in Microsoft’s Office subscription bundles, allowing customers to collaborate on text documents and spreadsheets. Additionally, the SharePoint application provides workers with online hubs to retrieve crucial files. Loop offers a modern, vital alternative because well-funded start-ups increasingly challenge Microsoft’s core productivity software.

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