MyIPNeighbors Reverse IP Lookup (Free service)

MyIPNeighbors Reverse IP Lookup (Free service).

This is how you can look up reverse IP. It is a free service.

What is reverse IP lookup?

Reverse IP lookup is the process to check IP or a domain name and find out all the domains hosted at the same IP address on a web server.

As you already know, IP lookup track down IP addresses and websites and provide you with useful geographical information of a particular IP address.

Reverse IP lookup operates vice versa and gives you another kind of information, which is no less critical. Reverse IP lookup is good for those thinking of creating a website at a specific shared hosting. With this, it is possible to check which domains are located on a web server and whether this is a good idea to place a new site at the same hosting.

Besides that, sharing one and the same IP address by several websites can lead to failures in the case of the so-called overclocking. For example, it comes up that some sites contain prohibited material and must be shut down. Once their IP is known and blocked, other prominent sites may share the same IP address, and they all get blocked together.

The services provided can range from web, e-mail, and file sharing, … By submitting a query with the IP address or hostname of your website,