12 Obsolete SEO Tactics to Avoid in 2022

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SEO is search engine OPTIMIZATION, not search engine MANIPULATION.

If you want your SEO efforts to last, optimize your websites for the search engines to love. Do not try to manipulate the search engine algorithms.

Make it a point to get regular updates on SEO and digital marketing as a whole.

SEO is not dead; it is very much alive. It is not just the SEO people think it was before. (Some folks think SEO was like manipulating the search engines.)

Here are some tactics that you should avoid:

One keyword pages

Keyword density

Page length

Web 2.0 backlinks

Private Blog Networks

Guest blogging

Keyword-rich anchors

E-A-T optimization

AMP conversion

Content spinning

Exact match domains

Meta keyword tag

Read the full article here: https://www.link-assistant.com/news/outdated-seo-tactics.htm.

If you want to try out one of the tools we use, visit SEOPoweSuite. It is a decent tool and more affordable than the rest of its counterparts like SEMrush (we also use SEMrush).