Are your sites safe from Penguin 3.0?

The objective of every algorithm update is to return relevant search results to users. And spamming the search results does not make that happen. Hence the ongoing algorithm updates like that of  Penguin (from 1.0 to the most recent 3.0).

According to Neil Patel of, here is what to expect from Penguin 3.0. Well – he said these are his best guesses. Being an avid follower of his posts, I should say his best guesses should not be considered lightly.

So if you are still stuck with link building, make sure you are getting relevant links from authority sites. Meantime, consider knowing about co-citation and co-occurence.

A little piece of advice, whatever you do, do the right thing. That should keep you away from penalties and avoid unpleasant outcomes due to algorithm updates. Doing the right thing can lessen the chance that your site will get affected; and if it does, it won’t be as much as those sites that are obviously at the other side of the fence. If you do not know where to start, you can start with Google’s Webmaster Guidelines.