Sleep Apnea Treatment or Surgery? What ENT Specialists Suggest

Sleep Apnea Treatment or Surgery

Have you ever slept next to someone with loud snoring? It can be annoying, but more importantly, it can hint at underlying health conditions. Sometimes, it can be a symptom of sleep apnea. If left undetected and untreated, the results can be serious. 

Those diagnosed with sleep apnea need to choose the right treatment method. Top ENT specialists help the victims decide viable treatment methods. 

The basis of sleep apnea

Sleep apnea causes breathing to stop and resume during sleep. These periodic pauses are called apnea. They may recur several times per hour and persist for seconds or minutes. This affects sleep quality. Moreover, your body does not get enough oxygen, leading to serious health issues. 

Three main types are central sleep apnea, obstructive sleep apnea, and complex sleep apnea syndrome. 

OSA occurs when the throat muscles relax too much in sleep, obstructing the upper airway. In CSA, your brain cannot send proper signals to those muscles that handle the breathing process. In Complex Sleep Apnea Syndrome, both OSA and CSA are combined. 

Why should sleep apnea be taken seriously?

Sleep apnea may cause the following health conditions when not treated properly:

To learn more about sleep apnea and interact with doctors who can offer expert guidance, explore

How do ENT doctors diagnose this health condition?

ENT specialists use physical examinations and specialized tests to affirm the condition. Of course, they will also analyze your medical history. The widely used diagnostic methods include a home sleep test, polysomnography, oximetry, and physical examination.

What are the non-surgical treatment options?

Typically, ENT specialists offer non-surgical treatment to people developing sleep apnea. They offer the following solutions:

What are the surgical treatment options?

ENT specialists recommend surgery to treat sleep apnea when all non-surgical methods fail. The procedures used in surgery include Septoplasty, which straightens a deviated nasal septum for better airflow, and Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, which removes excess throat tissue. Other options are Tongue Reduction Surgery, Tonsillectomy, etc. 

Making the right choice for sleep apnea treatment

ENT specialists analyze the disease severity and other health issues before recommending a treatment option for sleep apnea. Mild cases are treated with oral appliances and lifestyle changes, while moderate cases require CPAP therapy. 

In severe OSA cases, doctors perform surgical procedures. Recovery after the surgery is usually smooth, with patients experiencing the benefits within a few weeks.