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Snapchat Cements AR eCommerce as a Top Priority

Snapchat has acquired AR firm Vertebrae, which assists businesses in creating digital 3D copies of their products. It also announced a collaboration with luxury eCommerce site Verishop to bring a Snapchat-exclusive edition of Verishop’s fashion and cosmetics catalog. Its products can then be virtually tried on and purchased directly from the platform via augmented reality.

In the United States, augmented reality shopping is still in its infancy. According to an April 2021 study conducted by Bizrate Insights for eMarketer, only 10% of US individuals have used AR or VR to shop, while another 35% are at least moderately intrigued.

how interested US adults are in AR and VR while shopping InsiderIntelligence 1 2

However, it can be highly effective for those who shop using AR. According to Shopify data provided by The Harvard Business Review, interacting with products via AR resulted in a 94 percent greater conversion rate than products without AR.

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Snapchat Announces New Updates for its Scan Tool

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Snapchat has rolled out an update for its Scan features. The update will give users more opportunities to use the Snap Camera to discover more about more insights and take more immediate actions based on what they’re seeing.

The Scan feature was first launched two years ago, giving its users yet another avenue to gather information through the app. Snap has continued to add more capability to the tool over time. With users becoming more acclimated to scanning barcodes as part of COVID-19 tracing activities, that behavior has become more routine, creating more significant opportunities for Snap’s solutions in this regard.

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Snapchat Launches a New Certification Course to Aid in the Development of Snap Ads Expertise

Snapchat’s Snap Focus education platform has introduced a new certificate course in ad optimization. This will give users another chance to hone their Snap advertising skills and demonstrate their platform knowledge in an official, recognized capacity.

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Snapchat Spotlight Challenges

Snapchat Is Revamping Its Creator Payments by Introducing Spotlight Challenges

Snap today announced a variety of new tools, programs, and features that would allow producers on its platform to earn money as the race for talent heats up. 

The Creator Marketplace has been expanded to include Snap Stars (top creators with verified accounts). In addition, the debut of a how-to resource called the Creator Hub and a new mechanism for Snapchat artists to get rewarded for generating short-form video for its in-app TikTok rival, known as Spotlight.

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