The Google Page Experience Update Is Now Available

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Google has begun rolling out its long-awaited Page Experience update. According to Google, sites should not expect significant changes due to this update. According to Google, sites should not expect substantial changes due to this update. The continuous rollout procedure should reduce any unexpected drops or spikes.

Since its announcement back in November, much information has come out regarding what will be included in the update. However, Google hasn’t thrown in any surprises in the way of new features that weren’t previously announced, which may be excellent news for site owners.

The update to Google’s page experience algorithm is now being rolled out. It will be completed by the end of August 2021.

Key takeaways:

“You can think of it as if you’re adding a flavoring to a food you’re preparing. Rather than add the flavor all at once into the mix, we’ll be slowly adding it all over this time period.”

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