The Ultimate Guide: Quality Topics for Your Site

Creating topics for your site may seem overwhelming as your site ages, especially when you feel like you’ve run out of ideas already. However, it is important to note how much consistent quality content production matters for your site’s success. After all, quality topics, are what make your site stand out and drive traffic.

So on days when you’re out of content yourself, what should you do?

What you’ll find in this article:

How to Find Topics for your site?

Before you can start looking for great topics and/or content, you first have to strengthen your knowledge about your site as a whole. Who’s your audience? What are you trying to sell? What is your ultimate goal? It’s impossible to write about something you’re not familiar with, let alone convince others to believe something you yourself aren’t even sure about in the first place. And so through knowing your market, product, and end goal, you get to determine the different angles that all lead back to the three factors mentioned, making your topics a lot stronger.

What tools to use?

Google’s People Also Ask

In order to produce quality writing, you need extensive reading. In terms of choosing your topics, you have to make sure that they’re what your market needs and is looking for. After all, a well-produced article is nothing when it isn’t what the people actually want. To know more about this, Google presents a useful section called “People Also Ask,” also known as related questions. Every time you search for anything in Google, this small section shows up and presents the other frequently asked questions related to your topic. In this manner, not only can you get more clarity for yourself, but you also get to know what people are looking for, and hopefully write about them in the future too.


As you hunt along for topics, it is only but natural for you to find multiple titles and/or content peaking your interests all at once, in one search result. However, since you only need one article at a time, you might want to save all the rest in a file, for you to look back later. Pocket just might be your buddy for that. Formerly known as Read It Later, Pocket is an application and/or web service that helps you manage a personal reading list of articles and videos from the Internet. Its name stands for itself, serving as your personal ‘pocket’ to check back whenever you can or please.

Learn more:

How to curate?

Unfortunately, there is no 1-time formula for curating superb topics. However, you might want to read on and check out these few steps to guide you on the right track, at least.

  1. Perfect your own. As mentioned, it is hard to start without knowing the basics of your own site. You have to figure out your site’s core before anything else, in order to smoothly reflect it on your outputs and easily relate it to your audience.
  2. Research as much as you can. You have to constantly feed your mind with useful knowledge in order to not just learn, but as well as expand your view of your site through different angles. Not only that, but you also have to stay updated from time to time. This way, you don’t get left behind from any trends or news that might be beneficial for your end.
  3. Analyze and filter. Sure, you can find probably a thousand topics or more online. However, you should take note that just because they’re published, does not immediately imply nor assure their reliability. As one who provides knowledge to a site, you have to ensure that your sources are correct, as to not spread false content in any manner. You have to be critical and cautious at all times. After all, even a small influence is still powerful in itself—enough to either make or break you.
  4. Create an outline. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the overflowing ideas in your creative mind. Most often than not, they may turn into baggage, especially when not handled well. To aid all these potential plans, try creating an outline. An outline serves as your article’s backbone to guide you. Try this:
    1. Topic. This is self-explanatory. Try to introduce your topic in a manner that’s enticing and will hook your readers. Of course, make sure to include substance.
    2. Table of content or summary. This section is often forgotten and/or disregarded by many authors. However, you should know that this shouldn’t be taken for granted and is actually a vital factor in every site. TOC or summary serves as a guide or teaser for the readers. It lets them know what to expect from your article without having to skim through everything. In this way, you get to present whatever you have to offer. Just be sure to remain honest, and avoid misleading them!
    3. Subtopics. This is the part when you can begin substantiating your main topic further. Make sure to present different angles and support them with the right evidence. While doing so, you have to be cohesive. Also, learn to incorporate proper headings to sort your topics well. These brief titles would help your readers a lot, trust me.
    4. Key takeaways. As you close your article, it would be best to provide some key takeaways for your readers. This section should encompass the most significant points of your whole content. It doesn’t have to be long, you can even write it in bullets. Go straight to the point, and be concise.
    5. Cite. When filling in your content, make sure to rephrase and site whenever necessary. Do not copy and paste. When you really have to, make sure to provide the right source and give credit where credit is due. It’s unethical to claim content that’s not yours!

What is the process?

The process is pretty simple.

  1. You curate.
  2. You create.
  3. You promote.
  4. Then, you evaluate.

Remember to stay consistent, and prioritize quality over quantity.

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