

Twitter Is Testing with Prompts That Notify Users When a Conversation Isn’t Going Well

Twitter has been experimenting with ways to lessen the platform’s toxicity. The most recent test gives users a few hints before getting into a nasty tweet fight. The test could appear on Twitter’s iOS and Android apps.

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Instead of redirecting readers to the publisher’s original webpage, Twitter discontinues support for AMP links.

According to the social media giant, this adjustment will take effect by the end of the year. Additionally, Twitter has revised its developer documentation on AMP sites, stating that the format is being phased out.

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Twitter Is the Most Recent Platform to Try Out a Tiktok-Like Feature

Twitter announced today that it is testing a feature that turns the “Explore” page in the app into a TikTok-style video feed, replete with a “For You” option. For users in some countries who use Twitter in English, this service is tested on Android and iOS.

Twitter is the latest social media platform to try whether it can profit from TikTok’s explosive growth — the short-form video app recently topped one billion monthly active users, making it one of the fastest companies to do so.

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Twitter’s New Feature of Removing Followers without Blocking Them Is Now Being Tested

Twitter revealed that it is testing a web feature that allows users to remove followers without blocking them. Some Twitter users who have been given access to this test can now remove a follower by going to their profile and clicking on “View Followers.” Then, adjacent to the follow button, users can click the three-dot icon and choose “remove this follower” from the drop-down menu. However, this feature is not available to all users at the moment.

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Twitter Makes Professional Profiles and Ticketed Spaces More Accessible

by Josh

Last Updated on March 6, 2022 by Josh

Twitter intends to keep its foot on the development accelerator with two new projects, giving businesses and creators more possibilities in the app.

More businesses are being invited to participate in Twitter’s Professional Profiles test. This would allow companies to display more business information in a dedicated, supplementary profile space within the app.

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Twitter Launches Spark Audio Creator Program

The company announced the introduction of a new Spaces creator program. The three-month Spark initiative attempts to “find and reward great Spaces on Twitter with financial, technical, and marketing help.” Twitter encourages audio makers to apply for the initiative, saying it is available to both established Spaces audio broadcasts and experimental experiments.

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You Can Now Remove Twitter Followers without Blocking Them

by Josh

According to a new feature being rolled out by Twitter, all online users will soon remove followers without blocking them. This safety feature can be helpful if you wish to escape the consequences of blocking someone. If a blocked user visits your profile after you’ve blocked them, Twitter will inform them that they’ve been blocked. Users might feel more confident about who sees their tweets by deleting a following rather than blocking them entirely.

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Twitter Is Testing with Ads in Tweet Replies

by Josh

With a new placement option within the reply threads of tweets, Twitter expands its ad inventory. According to Twitter’s statement, the new ad option would have advertisements placed within the first few answers to a tweet, “exactly where the discussion is happening.”

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Twitter Privacy

Users Will Have More Control over Their Twitter Privacy with New Tools

Twitter’s CEO, Jack Dorsey, has previously remarked that the social media network hasn’t moved fast enough in recent years to launch new products. However, the company has been relatively open about its product roadmaps, including revealing current development solutions and may never see the light of day.

Twitter is considering new privacy features relating to who can see a user’s postings and the posts they like, as well as more control over their follower lists, with both of these in mind. The goal of these tests is to make users feel more at ease when using the social media site. Here are the features that are either in development or will be tested soon:

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