
Guidelines for Video Sharing Platforms

Last Updated: 7 months ago by BrodNeil

The United Kingdom Has Published Rules for Video Sharing PLatforms Focused on Safety

Platforms that provide video-sharing services in the United Kingdom must adhere to new restrictions to protect users and children under 18 from harmful content such as hate speech and videos/ads that may promote violence against protected groups.

The guidance for platforms like TikTok, Snapchat, Vimeo, and Twitch was published by Ofcom, the country’s communications, broadcast, and internet content regulator.

Key takeaways:

  • There is no set of rules that video-sharing sites must follow to protect viewers from being exposed to such content.
  • However, several suggestions have been made, including clauses in terms and conditions, functionality such as the ability for uploaders to declare whether their content contains ads. 
  • Monitoring tech platforms’ compliance with the new guidelines will be a significantly new function of Ofcom. It will also serve as a preview of what’s to come under upcoming, much broader safety-focused digital rules.

Read more: https://techcrunch.com/2021/10/06/uk-publishes-safety-focused-rules-for-video-sharing-platforms/

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