Vlog: Video Is the New Blog

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Are you a content marketer?  If yes, how do you find vlogging as a content marketer?

According to convinceandconvert.com, video is the new blogging.  If you love writing and blogging, don’t get hurt.  Perhaps it is time to go with the change instead of fighting the change.  I am not saying that writing and blogging would be completely gone; all I am saying is that they may take a new face.  One possibility is converting your texts (content) into video animation clips.

No matter how we love to write, content marketers are catching up with the trend.  Why? Because consumers love ease and convenience.  With video, consumers can simply listen to it without watching it, while doing something else.  I am actually listening to an alternative news in YouTube now while writing this post.  Got my point?

Multitasking has been the norm; and videos offer an excellent way to do that.

Stats on Vlog

According to vidyard.com, here are some findings why video is the new blogging:

What do you think of vlogging?  Are you ready for it?  If you think you are, there are quite a number of video animation tools that may help you start your vlog.   In addition, as a content marketer, at the back of our heads, we know that the only constant is change.  Perhaps this is the time to change the way we blog.