In the Internet, VPS can stand for virtual private server.
What is it?
A VPS is a specific container on a dedicated server.
What are its benefits?
- Affordable compared to a dedicated server. Dedicated servers are great; yet it might be too pricey for a need you have in mind. So why pay more when getting a VPS is all you need?
- You usually get a root access with your VPS, which entails more functionality and full control over it – like choosing what applications to run on your server.
- More Secure and Safe as the container is solely at your own disposal.
- Far better than a shared hosting environment.
- White label your control panel for your clients.
- Access the control panel of your server remotely.
There are many companies offering VPS. In my experience, I highly recommend ServInt. Its great customer support and service is very solid – a company you should partner with when it comes to VPS.